
PRACTICE! Self-confidence doesn’t magically appear overnight. But it will happen a lot faster if you practice. Wait! How can I practice self-confidence? I believe it starts with the things you tell yourself. There are two ways you can look at an obstacle. You can tell yourself “oh I could never do that” or you can...
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YELL Nobody I teach in my basic self-defense course ever thinks about yelling as a way to defend themselves. Since 95% of the participants are women/girls, it’s unusual for most of them to even consider yelling – girls have traditionally been taught to be quiet, compliant and generally acquiesce. Especially girls who grew up before...
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What’s the first thing you do if someone breaks into your house? What’s a woman’s worst nightmare? Middle of the night, you’re sound asleep, all alone and you hear glass breaking or the door being forced open – you are frozen with terror! Your first instinct is… What? Grab the phone and called 911, right?...
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If bad guys had any confidence at all, they wouldn’t pick on smaller, weaker targets – they would. pick on someone their own size. That’s why it’s important for you to fight back. Cowards want easy targets. Someone they can overpower with very little if any effort. When they goof up – that is they...
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Stand Up For Yourself Everybody has been bullied – I mean, everybody! Bullying is just predators who happen to know their target. Its not an argument. An argument is a conflict between two people with equal or almost equal amounts of power in the relationship. If there is an imbalance of power, it results in...
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Look People in the Eye When you’re standing up straight, your head will be up as well. That makes it more likely that you will look someone in the eye. It’s hard to meet someone’s gaze when you are looking down at the ground. Obviously you dont want to bore a hole through someone, that...
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Our next five blogs will be about how to improve your confidence. Confident people are less likely to be attacked– again, because they look like they are more likely to fight back. So the first thing you can do to improve your confidence is really pretty easy.. Stand Up Straight There are a lot of...
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Here’s the four certain”T’s”. That means you have absolute “certainTy” you are protecting yourself. 1 – Trust Your Instincts Ever hear anybody say they just had a gut feeling? Or have someone tell you to “just go with your gut”? There’s a very good reason for that– because its our sixth sense telling us that...
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Be Aware! Bad guys will use a number of different tricks to distract potential targets – don’t get blindsided, and have a healthy amount of suspicion for anything out of the ordinary. For example, everyone gets flyers on their windshield from time to time. But that could be used as a distraction, right? Some of...
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As I mentioned before, bad guys use the element of surprise to make things easy! If someone is caught off guard they are usually unable to think or act quickly. Being surprised and scared creates an adrenaline dump– you are terrified and your body is flooded with adrenaline. That causes one of three different responses,...
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